Cereset Westport
Health & Wellness
About Us
Cereset (Cerebrum + Reset) is a wellness experience that helps you relax your brain through patented BrainEcho® technology that empowers the brain to reset itself as it hears and “sees” its own reflection. Cereset enables your brain to fully relax and reset itself to its natural balance from the inside out. There is no outside intervention, stimulus, or medication of any kind – the brain does its own work while you may nap or relax quietly in a comfortable chair.
The benefits of a relaxed and balanced brain are improved sleep and mood, enhanced learning and memory, increased energy and performance, reduced worry and anxiety, restored hope and happiness, and release of ''stuck'' stress.
Contact us with questions or to book your introduction to Cereset where you get a baseline observation with your own Personal Brain Index and recommended plan of action: info@westport.cereset.com.