Montalvo Rolon Sotomayor LLC
Business Consulting
About Us
With over 10 years of experience, Montalvo Rolon Sotomayor LLC, has been helping our clients navigate disruption. In an environment of non-stop change, the lessons we have learned from our success in turnaround and restructuring are as relevant for healthy and growing companies as they are for troubled ones. One of the most critical lessons we have learned is that you cannot stop disruption if you are overwhelmed with distractions. You have to cut through the noise to find and focus on what really matters. You must be willing to take bold actions to take your company where it needs to go and to do so with speed and precision.
As we say, every great business is driven by a great idea. Something earth-shattering and so impossible to let go of, that it must be pursued. Ours is that the world must operate as a business. The challenges we face to secure sustainable growth, instead of focusing on short-sided financial interest at the cost of future generations. There is a lack of regularity – we must rebalance. We need a new model. An approach not solely based on measuring returns, but on something deeper, more meaningful, and more substantial. Why? Because we believe that progress and innovation should and can create lasting change. We are convinced that, in taking responsibility for the most profound challenges of our time, we have a unique opportunity to rethink the system. A new way of achieving growth and securing profitable business, while securing a viable future.