Friends of Sherwood Island
About Us
In 1995, a coalition of concerned outdoorsmen, sportsmen, environmentalists, and citizens banded together to form the Friends of Sherwood Island State Park, Inc. Its stated purpose:
• to preserve, maintain, improve and enhance Sherwood Island State Park for the benefit of the general public;
• to solicit and raise funds;
• to educate the public about the resources, needs and value of the park and carry on any activities consistent with its classification as a 501(c)(3) not-for profit corporation.
Our major commitment: the new Nature Center
The Friends have always been committed to supporting a Nature Center in the park. For many years, that support was directed toward a small Center behind the West Beach.
When it was deemed structurally unsound in 2002 and slated for demolition, the Friends vowed to devote all their fundraising efforts to constructing a new one.
In 2009, the new Nature Center behind the East Beach opened. It was built by a public-private partnership between the CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the Friends of Sherwood Island State Park. The commitment to it will continue in the years to come.